Our Bodhi Bridge Team
As an organization, people make what we do possible. We are deeply blessed by having a talented, dedicated, conscious, generous and growing Team of Conscious Creators. Our Team ~ along with our Donors and Community Partners ~ make phenomenal programs and services available to a wide spectrum of people, organizations, and communities. From Program Facilitation to Coaching to Integrative Healing to Consulting to Web Design and more, the professional talents of our Team and our Community Partners cover the gamut. (Read On and see our Partners page to learn more.)
Part of what makes us unique … and highly effective & fun (!) … is our understanding of the principles and practices of Conscious Engagement, Right Relationship & Flow. It is our (and our Teammates’ & Partners’) ability to apply these concepts to every day life, to relationships, to business, to collaboration and creating what we wish to see in the world, that supports the success of our clients.
We are also an entrepreneurial/philanthropic hybrid. That means We Do Well & We Do Good. We are all deeply committed to being conscious service-leaders and to making a positive difference in the world. We create a sense of abundance and prosperity in our lives and in the lives of those we serve, well beyond financial well-being alone. To do this, we engage in a Holistic Economy and Conscious Giving ~ gift, share, trade, exchange, fee for services, tiered or sliding scale, as well as revenue generation. Philanthropically, Our Team has dedicated hundreds (likely thousands by now) of ProBono hours to start-up, launch, and make our amazing programs and services as accessible to our “Bright Light” community as possible.
Read below to learn more about our Team….

Core Team

Diana H. Dokos
Founder, Director, Lead Bodhi, Lead Mentor & Facilitator
Diana does One Thing… She inspires and empowers people to actualize the Greater Possibilities of their lives.
She just does it many ways.
Diana founded, holds the Vision, and guides the direction for The Bodhi Bridge 501(c)3 and Trust In Flow, LLC. With over 25 years of expertise in human potential development through education, philanthropy, entrepreneurship, music and the healing arts, Diana develops programs, services, classes, mentorships & initiatives that inspire, uplift, and transform lives.

Lura A. Kingsford
Awesomeness Administrator, Advisor, Board Member
Lura provides leadership support, consulting, advising and business support to The Bodhi Bridge. Lura is also a Founding Board Member.
In her private client work, Lura is a supervisory trainer and performance coach. She is certified in appreciation, leadership, and team leadership business trainings and holds an MBA. She trains supervisors so their people feel like skipping to work. Lura’s mission in life is to help people make their lives easier, fun, fulfilled, joyful, balanced, and prosperous.

Betty Cambronero
Executive Assistant, Business/ Project/ Team Mgr, Event Coordinator
IHP Practitioners-in-Training

Level 4 - IHP Practitioner

Level 4 - IHP Practitioner

Level 4 - IHP Practitioner