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Coming Soon

Lama Dorje Dharma & Sangha Development

We have such a rare and precious opportunity to gather together in community (sangha) and to support people on the Path of conscious service, leadership, community development and Awakening by collaborating with Drupon Lama Dorje, Tibetan Master Dharma Teacher, and  Dewachen World Peace Sanctuary.

Lama Dorje brings these ancient wisdom teachings and sacred mantras to life in ways that support our efforts to navigate these changing times more skillfully, with greater wisdom, loving- kindness, strength & compassion.

Join Us in sangha (conscious community) … and join Master Teacher, Drupon Lama Dorje for these precious events!


Lama Dorje Dharma Talks & Retreats 

“Creating Conscious Community”

Dharma Talk & Sangha

(Mt. Chirripo, Costa Rica)

Saturday, July  30, 2022

1:00pm – 4:00pm

Casa Alegria

 (Canaan ~ Mt. Chirripo’)

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“The Space In Between Retreat”

August 10 – 17, 2022

Navigating the Transitions of Living & Dying with the Sacred Teachings of Bardo Throdol

La Montaña Azul

(Chirripo’ Reserve ~ Costa Rica)

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Contact Nicole for questions:

+506 7086 8568


“Sacred Journey to Nepal & India Retreat”

November 15 – December 1, 2022

(Dharamsala – Dehradun – Kathmandu)

Join Drupon Lama Dorje on a Sacred Journey to experience the profound depth of the precious Dharma within the landscapes and culture that has preserved it for thousands of years.

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How you can support Lama Dorje’s Dharma Talks, Tours & Retreats

Wishlist to Support _________

List Items Here

Wishlist to Support Dewachen World Peace Sanctuary

List Items Here

If you would like to gift Lama Dorje & Dewachen World Peace Center with any of the above items, please fill out the contact form below to arrange the details (mailing address, shipping method, coordinating delivery, and other details)

Contact Lama Dorje

15 + 10 =