Conscious Service & Leadership Medicine Wheel

“Conscious Creators”

Part 1: Foundations

Conscious Service & Leadership

Medicine Wheel


Embark on a powerful journey of awakening, self healing & empowerment, and be of more conscious service & leadership to humanity and the planet.

The Conscious Service & Leadership Medicine Wheel is the Foundational Course that underlies the rest of the “Conscious Creators” program. CSL MW consists of 4 Classes (or Directions): South, West, North, and East. It is a prerequisite for the other “Conscious!” Tracks A, B, C. Each Direction holds a unique set of consciousness-based teachings, tools, practices, rites & ceremonies anchored in indigenous wisdom/shamanic teachings, modern science that inspire & empower students to live, lead, and serve from their  Authenic & Higher Self.

Ideal for: students & professionals in all sectors of society who are interested in learning & integrating consciousness-based principles & practices, indigenous & shamanic wisdom teachings, mindfulness, quantum physics, conscious service & leadership, and energy medicine into their personal, professional, and spiritual lives.

Part 1: CSL MW Foundations

~Conscious Service & Leadership~

~Medicine Wheel~

* South (Way of Beauty & the Healer):

Dates TBD  ~ Costa Rica

* West (Way of Peace &  the Peace Maker):

Dates TBD ~ Costa Rica

* North (Way of the Soul & the Teacher):

Dates TBD ~ Costa Rica

* East (Way of the Visionary & Creator):

Dates TBD ~ Costa Rica


Contact Us for pricing & availability


~Who It’s For~

Conscious creators, students & professionals  interested in integrating consciousness principles, indigenous & shamanic wisdom teachings, mindfulness, quantum physics, and conscious service & leadership into their personal, professional, and spiritual lives

Individuals, couples, groups, teams, organizations, and communities committed to relate, live, serve, lead & give at whole new levels … from their Authentic/Higher Self … and transform lives in the process.

Service-leaders & service providers who want to add  integrative healing, energy medicine, Flow coaching, and other remote/in-person/Work-From-Anywhere modalities into their offerings

20/30 Somethings & other “Bright Lights” who want to create more awesomeness, ease, prosperity, healing, and harmony  in the world … without drama, struggle, or other wonky dynamics

Conscious students & professionals in all sectors of society who are committed to doing their inner transformational work to affect positive social change

Collaborative partners who are ready, motivated, and eager to create teams & projects with others who are commited to engaging consciously & serving humanity

Those who are committed to proactively identify and address struggle, drama dynamics & other dynamics early on … before they become a Thing

Soul peeps who Know they can accomplish and create more with friends, colleagues, and family who are also on a path of awakening

~How It Works~

4 Part Series in 4 Directions

Direction 1: South

“The Way of Beauty & The Healer”

*  *  *  *

3 Day/ 30 Hr Intensive

Conscious Service & Leadership Approaches

Teachings ~ Tools ~ Practices

Build Your Mesa

Rites & Ceremonies

1 x Month Group Call

Direction 2: West

“The Way of Peace & the Peace Maker”

*  *  *  *

3 Day/ 30 Hr Intensive

Conscious Service & Leadership Approaches

Teachings ~ Tools ~ Practices

Build Your Mesa

Rites & Ceremonies

1 x Month Group Call

Direction 3: North

“The Way of the Soul & The Teacher”

*  *  *  *

3 Day/ 30 Hr Intensive

Conscious Service & Leadership Approaches

Teachings ~ Tools ~ Practices

Build Your Mesa

Rites & Ceremonies

1 x Month Group Call

Direction 4: East

“The Way of  the Visionary & Conscious Creator”

*  *  *  *

3 Day/ 30 Hr Intensive

Conscious Service & Leadership Approaches

Teachings ~ Tools ~ Practices

Build Your Mesa

Rites & Ceremonies

1 x Month Group Call


Part 1: Foundations CSLMW is the First 3 Days of the “Conscious Creators” Program

Day 1: Foundations

Conscious Service & Leadership Medicine Wheel

Day 2: Foundations

Conscious Service & Leadership Medicine Wheel

Day 3: Foundations

Conscious Service & Leadership Medicine Wheel

Day 4:

Integrative Healing Practitioner Training

Day 5:

Integrative Healing Practitioner Training


Part 1: CSL Medicine Wheel Foundations

Each Foundations ~ CSL  Medicine Wheel training takes place as a Direction (i.e. South, West, North, East)  during the first  3 Days of the “Conscious Creators” Training. The “Conscious Creators” cohort group meets for these in-person trainings/intensives  as a small, private group 4 times per year ~ usually every 2 months. Each Direction includes a powerful and life-transforming set of teachings, tools, practices, rites & ceremonies that build upon the prior Direction(s).

Participants develop and expand their capacity for more consciousness service & leadership using ancient wisdom and modern science to navigate these pivotal times, be a positive presence for Good, and fulfill a Higher Purpose moving people, projects, communities, and creators forward… consciously, creatively, and in flow. The CSL Medicine Wheel is the also the  foundation for becoming a certified Integrative Healing Practitioner, for adding Flow consciousness to your Coaching toolbox, and for supporting your conscious business creation or project development!

What’s Included in the “Conscious Creators” Foundations Trainings

* A series of interdisciplinary lectures & intensive trainings by Master Teacher, IHP Practitioner, and conscious business & philanthropy consultant, Diana H. Dokos 

 * Training in All 4 Directions, with the principles & practices of  Conscious Service & Leadership building upon the others 

* Guest speakers & co-facilitators

* Small & large group discussions

* Hands-on up-leveling & integration tools, practices & activities

* Introduction to applied integrative healing, energy medicine, and shamanic practices

* 13 Great Rites & Inititations

* Ceremonies & Training in Holding Sacred Space

* Building of your shamanic medicine/healing bundle in the tradition of the Q’ero of Peru

* A community of Conscious Creators teaming up to create Awesomeness in the World  

* 30 hours of in-person training per Direction

* Total of 120 hours of in-person hands-on training over 8-9 months   

After the In-Person Foundations training/intensive, students continue with On-Line Calls 1x per month to support ongoing learning, integration, and up-leveling after returning home. This allows students to refine their skills, embody the teachings, and see the tangible changes unfolding in one’s  life, relationship(s), profession(s), and creation(s). 

Successful participation in the  CSL Medicine Wheel Foundations program (all 4 Directions)  is required  to become a Full Mesa carrier (“shaman”), a certified Integrative Healing Practitioner, and prepares participants for these conscious professional development  programs & mentorships:

Part 2: Professional Tracks begin after each CSLMW Direction

* A-Track: Integrative Healing Practitioner Training (Day 4 & 5 of Training & On-Line)

(for those wishing to add integrative healing & energy work to their work with clients)

* B-Track: Conscious Business & Project Development (On-Line & In-Person as desired)

(for those wishing to apply consciousness-based/shamanic principles and practices in their business  or project development)

* C-Track: Flow /Right Relation Coaching (On-Line & In-Person as desired)

(for Coaches or Coaches-In-Training wishing to add Flow/Right Relation consciousness & shamanic principles & practices to their work with clients)


~What You’ll Learn~

 ~ Conscious Service & Leadership through Ancient Wisdom & Modern Science   ~

Our work is anchored in over 40,000 years of wisdom-based traditions and modalities that blend the best of science, spirituality, and consciousness in service to humanity, the planet, and the future.

 Level 1


The Way of Beauty & The Healer  

Focus: Physical, Body, Form, Material, Finances

Self-Mastery: Survival Self

Service: In service to humanity’s thriving on the level of form, the physical body, health, finance & material well-being. 

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Like a snake outgrowing its old skin, the South is where we step more fully & completely into the Beauty of who we are & came here to be as Healers & Conscious Creators. It is where we learn the teachings, tools, and practices of Right Relationship, become conduits between Heaven & Earth, and to live,  lead, and serve from the gifts & talents of our Authentic & Higher self. 

The South is where we learn to manifest greater versions of thriving in physical, financial, and material form and learn to be of service & leadership at whole new levels.   

By learning how to up-level more consciously & creatively, and clear low-vibrational imprints, patterns, and manifestations on the physical & cellular level, we discover what is really True & Possible, more easily rise and embody our Greatness and our Good. We release attachment to limiting versions of our lives & stories of our past, clear generational wounds & ancestral patterns,  shed unconscious/survival-based/scarcity-oriented coping strategies, and step out of ways of being of service or leadership that come at a cost. In the process, we more easily create & attract robust health, prosperity in its many forms, greater levels of success & well-being, all while being of service & leadership with greater levels of grace, ease, harmony, thriving, and flow. 


Level 2



The Way of Peace & the Peace Maker

Focus: Mental, Emotional, Beliefs, Language

Self-Mastery: Conditioned Self 

Service: In service to humanity’s conscious evolution of thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and language to create greater peace, harmony, thriving and abundant lives.


As Creators, we are creating, manifesting, and attracting our realities constantly … consciously or unconsciously.  When creating from the old conditioning, habit mind, fear-based thinking, and scarcity-oriented beliefs & language of the 3D paradigm, our Conditioned Self tends to respond in ways that  inadvertently affect the things we value most… relationships, abundance, love, peace, and opportunity.  By owning & transforming our relationship to creation-thoughts, feelings, beliefs, stories, and language, we can shift this.

This part of the program provides teachings, tools, and practices of Conscious Engagement & Right Relationship to increase our ability to live in peace & harmony and create from a place of “Ayni” & our Authentic & Higher self …  our reservoir of grace, ease, harmony, thriving, reciprocity, and flow.

 This profoundly transformational Direction empowers participants to awaken & free themselves (and others) from Conditioned Self & 3D paradigm dynamics & patterns early on.  Participants learn how to recognize, clear, step out of and transform the Paradigm of Struggle …. unnecessary distractions, mis-perceptions, projections, stress, struggle, drama, conflict, loss, and illness … first within themselves, then within their relationship to the wider world.

 By clearing these mental, emotional, and relational imprints & dynamics, participants  refocus, reframe, and more aware of their ability to actualize their potential as Conscious Creators, fulfill a higher purpose, and empower themselves & others to manifest more peace-filled, thriving & abundant  lives.

Level 3


The Way of the Soul & The Teacher

Focus: Heart & Soul, Love, Right Relationship, Right Livelihood, the Soul’s Journey

Self-Mastery: Authentic Self

Service: In service to the heart & soul of  humanity we increase joy & inspiration while fulfilling a Higher Purpose and creating Right Livelihood. We relate, live, serve, lead, and give in “Ayni” (Right Relationship) to create greater wholeness, harmony, thriving and abundant lives.


As Creators, we are creating, manifesting, and attracting our realities constantly … consciously or unconsciously.  When creating from the old conditioning, habit mind, fear-based thinking, and scarcity-oriented beliefs & language of the 3D paradigm, our Conditioned Self tends to respond in ways that  inadvertently affect the things we value most… relationships, abundance, love, peace, and opportunity.  By owning & transforming our relationship to creation-thoughts, feelings, beliefs, stories, and language, we can shift this.

This part of the program provides teachings, tools, and practices of Conscious Engagement & Right Relationship to increase our ability to live in peace & harmony and create from a place of “Ayni” & our Authentic & Higher self …  our reservoir of grace, ease, harmony, thriving, reciprocity, and flow.

 This profoundly transformational Direction empowers participants to awaken & free themselves (and others) from Conditioned Self & 3D paradigm dynamics & patterns early on.  Participants learn how to recognize, clear, step out of and transform the Paradigm of Struggle …. unnecessary distractions, mis-perceptions, projections, stress, struggle, drama, conflict, loss, and illness … first within themselves, then within their relationship to the wider world.

 By clearing these mental, emotional, and relational imprints & dynamics, participants  refocus, reframe, and more aware of their ability to actualize their potential as Conscious Creators, fulfill a higher purpose, and empower themselves & others to manifest more peace-filled, thriving & abundant  lives.

Level 4


The Way of the Visionary & The Conscious Creator

Focus: Energy, Spirit, Vibration, Frequency, Quantum Field, Creation 

Self-Mastery: Higher/Divine Self

Service: In service to actualizing the divine potential of humanity to create thriving lives of grace, ease, harmony, prosperity, and flow. We are clear conduits between Heaven & Earth, seeing and creating new Possibilities.

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By the time we get to the East, we have arrived on a new shore… within ourselves and within our lives. We have gone through a deeply transformation journey that supports our ability to step up and into our lives and professions as Conscious Creators… and as the Bright Lights that we truly are. In the East, we hone our abilities to see through the appearances, circumstances, and conditions of life to actualize the greater possibilities and quantum potentials that exist … for the well-being of all beings. We work on the level of energy, Intention, direct connection with Source and the Quantum Field, and universal principles of Creation to manifest in form. Love is a prime mover. Oneness, and the well-being & thriving of All, a primary consideration.

We have discovered our true power, as Suddakhar Ram says, “to intend and manifest for the well-being of all beings”… and to ripple that out for the well-being of many generations to come. We understand that our “vibe attracts our tribe”, that how we think & see the world creates it, and that what we focus on and invest energy into expands and manifests into form. We now know how to step out of the nest, out of old forms and comfort zones of the known & familiar, and into the more expansive possibilities of what is really True & Possible.  We are able to rise above the appearances, conditions, and circumstances of life, and discover … as eagle does … that we are held by the updraft of life, by the updraft of Spirit, and by the greater possibilities that exist within us and around us.

This is where we create what needs to exist in the world … Now and in the future. We are innovators, creators, pioneers. We “Team UP” to create conscious businesses, conscious communities, conscious networks of skilled creative partners, conscious forms of prosperity. We intend & manifest the means, resources, and aligned partners as we go. And … Together … we create the conscious alternatives that need to exist…. manifesting a bit of Heaven on Earth, and in our own lives, in the process. 


Included in Each Direction / Level

Consciousness-based principles & practices for:

  • Leadership
  • Service
  • Coaching
  • Business 
  • Professional development
  • Community development
  • Teamwork 

Ancient wisdom teachings: 

  • Indigenous wisdom 
  • Shamanic principles & practices
  • Eastern philosophies
  • New Thought traditions 
  • Other spiritual traditions 

Transformational teachings, tools, practices: 

  • Mindfulness
  • Meditation
  • Conscious Communication
  • Breathwork
  • Music, Sound, Voice
  • Movement          
  • Rites & Ceremonies

Consciousness-based sciences:

  • Quantum Physics
  • Neuro-science
  • Neuro-linguistics
  • Chakra work
  • Integrative Healing
  • Energy Medicine 



  •  Greater levels of grace, ease, harmony, and flow within one’s self, with others, and within the wider world 
  • Greater ability to see and manifest opportunities and resources that benefit oneself and the greater whole 
  • Swift and beneficial break-throughs in all areas of life (sometimes simultaneously!)  
  • Being able to  lead, serve, and create at whole new levels!
  • Increased capacity for conscious engagement and right relationship personally, professionally, relationally, spiritually, financially 
  • Practices for communicating and meeting needs more consciously and creatively
  • Powerfully aligned energetic means to heal and clear generational patterns, “imprints”, heavy energy, and wounds associated with drama dynamics and egoic conditioning!
  •  Clearing “imprints”, relational dynamics, and energetic holding patterns at the root of illness, struggle, drama, generational and karmic patterns, social issues
  • Strengthen one’s luminous energy field, and elevate one’s energetic frequency to attract higher qualities of people, opportunities and experiences into one’s life!



  • If interested, contact us! We’d love to share the Options we have to offer and explore what would be a perfect fit for you.

  • We want our programs to be as accessible as possible for those who qualify for them, so we have created a multi-tiered sliding scale. When we receive sponsorships, donations, or program support, we apply that to our pricing structure to reduce the price of our trainings & mentorships. We also create a variety of innovative ways for our students, Practitioners, and program participants to make the most of their training opportunities to generate funds and create a thriving livelihood doing what they love while they’re learning!


Community /

 Student Rate


Part Pay /

Part Work-Trade

(As Available)


Part Pay /

Part Scholarship

(As Available)


Professional /

Small Business  Rate

~Next Steps~

Feel Into It. Does this resonate & light you up from the inside out? Awesome! Read on.

Step 1: Contact us! Let us know you are interested, as space is limited. We can share more details about the program and are happy to answer questions.

Step 2: If you are invited to apply, Awesome!  Complete the Registration Application below  and send in your Deposit. (Deposits are non-refundable & reserve your space while you complete the Application & Registration process. Funds are only returned if you are not accepted to the program.)

Step 3: Get ready for your program!  Very exciting! We will send you a Welcome Letter with the information you’ll need to get started.

Step 4: In the meantime… We highly encourage program applicants to experience Integrative Healing/Energy Work with one of our Practitioners-in-Training (See our “Mentees” section.). 1:1 Session work gives you direct experience with the kinds of principles & practices you’ll learn in class, first-hand knowledge of how this work works & benefits you, and clears imprints & patterns early on… so you’re more prepared to enter into the program! The rates are very reasonable & go to support the Mentee’s training. We’re happy to apply a portion of your session payments to your program fees.

Step 5: Make Your  Program Payment(s). You are welcome to pay in Full (All 4 Directions, for a discounted rate), pay per Direction (1 Class at a time),  or in installments (per Terms & Agreement). Making your first payment will help you step more fully and completely into the room.Whichever Option you choose, get to be completed by the deadline stated before your program.

Step 6: Stay the Course!  It’s pretty common for people (um, the ego/mind) to experience a mixture of excitement and fear once you’ve paid and committed (especially if you feel a strong “Soul Yes”/Calling/or Pull to participate). It’s also pretty common for people to get “Tested”… Tested by internal or external Interference, by other things trying to assert priority, by fears and insecurities, by other people’s ”needs” & dramas showing up, or by any number of other compelling distractions. Welcome! You are now in  Class and in the fire ✨🔥✨. The Universe is now training you.

Note: It’s All Good. That is part of your Jedi Training. If you can make it through the initial interference, you’ve done enough inner work and have enough self-mastery and commitment to do great in the program! And That’s who we’re Calling In and what we’re looking for … Jedi-level program participants & amazing Bright Lights!

Step 7: Enjoy the Journey! It’s such a cool program that attracts really amazing people. So, It’s worth it! We promise. 🙏


Register & Pay

Fill out the Contact Us Section below for more Information & to Register.

Contact Us About “Conscious Creators” Foundations CSL MW

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