With Lead Teacher:
Diana H. Dokos (MEd, CPC, EMP)
Private & Group Mentorship
Training & Mentoring the conscious leaders of tomorrow Today.
Receive 1:1 or small group private mentorship, training, coaching, integrative healing and resource-linking to assist you in being the Bright Light you came here to be. Learn how to apply consciousness-based principles & practices, shamanic wisdom teachings, mindfulness & meditation, quantum physics, neuroscience, conscious business & philanthropy, and more to your personal, professional, and spiritual life. Bring greater wholeness, harmony, grace, and ease to all areas of life, hone your expertise in specific areas of development, create a thriving livelihood for yourself & uplift humanity in the process. Be and Become a more conscious & effective service-leader modeling what is really true & possible.

Private & Group Mentorship

~Who This is For~
Private mentorships are a great fit for :
* Conscious professionals, conscious creators, service-oriented leaders, service providers, gifted & talented young adults, professional 20/30 Somethings, and other Bright Lights seeking to integrate consciousness-based & shamanic teachings, tools, and practices into their daily lives and professional offerings
* Work-From-Anywhere entrepreneurs and service providers or professionals who want a Work-From-Anywhere modalities to add to their offerings
* Massage therapists, retreat facilitation teams, hands-on healers & other service providers who are interested in adding shamanic energy work/integrative healing, Flow Coaching, and conscious business principles & practices to their Remote Services took box (Yes, this means ALL of these services can be done remotely via Zoom, FaceTime, Whats App Chat, or other online virtual platform.)
* Service-leaders interested in adding consciousness-based & shamanic principles & practices, flow consciousness, and possibly integrative healing/energy work , flow coaching, and/or conscious small business development to their existing offerings
* Highly dedicated, motivated, and engaged students & professionals interested in deepening, honing, and improving their offerings in the world and/or creating new ones;
* Students/Professionals who have really done their inner work to affect outer change, practice mindfulness & conscious engagement, are committed to grow & learn, and have high levels of self (ego) mastery
* Private Mentorships are limited to a small & select number of students/professionals *
~How It Works~
1) Select Your Areas for Mentorship:
* Do you have opportunities presenting themselves to you that you’d like to make the most of… consciously, creatively, and in flow?
* Feeling the “Call” or push to have 1:1 or small group mentorship to support this next Chapter of your journey, work, life?
* Are there areas of life, work, relationships, spirituality, finance, etc which you’d love to uplevel, navigate bettter, and/or create with greater consciousness?
* Is there a program or project that we offer (i.e. “Team UP”: Integrative Healing Practitioner training) in which you would like more private 1:1, small group mentorship, and/or session time?
These are all great purposes for private 1:1 or small group mentorship!
2. Private 1:1 or Small Group Mentorships are:
* Designed for students & professionals committed to learning & integrating consciousness-based principles & practices indigenous & shamanic wisdom teachings, modern science, conscious business, service, and philanthropy into their lives and their work.
* Reserved for highly dedicated, motivated, and engaged students & professionals interested in deepening, honing, and improving their offerings in the world
* Customized by person, group, interest area or program (i.e. the “Team UP!”/Integrative Healing Practitioner, Flow Coaching, or Business Development programs. Yes, you can do private mentorship as part of your “Team UP!” program if you want more 1:1 mentor access ).
3) Duration of private mentorships vary:
* Length of mentorship is usually 3/6/9/12 months and up to 3 or more years
* Frequency of meeting is usually weekly or bi-weekly
* Time-frame of meetings or trainings are 30/60/90 min sessions or in-depth multi-day trainings
* Content of mentorship varies based on the interest & needs of the individual, group or team, the program
4) Private Mentorships include:
* 1:1 private or small group trainings
* 1:1 private consulting, coaching, training, integrative healing/energy work sessions with Mentor or trained Mentees
* Hands-on/experiential practice of the concepts learned
* Expansion, deepening, and assistance with applying concepts learned in programs
* Integration and/or up-leveling homework
* Opportunity & resource linking
5) Pricing of Mentorships
* See “Cost” section (below) for more information
~What You Will Learn~
“The content of your life is the curriculum for this course.”
Content & focus varies by type of Mentorship.
Overall learning tends to include (but not be limited to) practical and professional applications of:
* Consciousness-based principles & practices ~ to increase success, happiness, prosperity, and harmony in all areas of your own life and to empower clients to do so in their lives
* Indigenous & shamanic wisdom teachings ~ to help you expand your perspective, track for opportunity & shadow, connect more consciously with Spirit/spirit, understand & harmonize your connection to all of life, fulfill your Soul’s Purpose
* Right Relation/Flow consciousness (aka The 9th Fold in the 8 Fold Path)~ to live into the reality of harmony & flow as a daily lived experience, to create this experience with others, to help you create & step into greater levels of grace, ease, harmony, flow, and right relationship (aka “ayni”) early on, to help you see Opportunities & Ease where others see “challenges” or “problems to fix/solve/avoid”
* Conscious business/ spiritual entrepreneurship ~ To integrate consciousness-based, shamanic, and spiritual principles and practices to up-level your professional life, team development, organizational development, marketing, manifesting & attracting of idea teammates/opportunities/ clients, managing of prosperity & wealth, and providing value & meaning in the world as you fulfill your soul’s Purpose/Mission/Calling
* Prosperity & Wealth Creation for Transformational Philanthropy & Social Action ~ Because service-leaders, spiritual entrepreneurs, and other Bright Lights are highly motivated to be of service in the world and benefit the lives of others, it is essential for prosperity/wealth creation and resource manifestation to be done with great awareness, mindfulness and integrity. When Prosperity creation is done for a higher purpose, in alignment with one’s values & consideration for the well-being of others, when authentic approaches (not “strategies) are used to truly meet the values & needs present, and when givers & receivers stay out of drama dynamics, “Mis-Givings” and do their shadow work along the way, highly transformational philanthropy and effective social action is a natural by-product. The experience is fulfilling & transformational for both givers & receivers … everyone Wins … and positive ripple effects expand beyond the original “plan” or Intentions to benefit many generations to come.
* Conscious Engagement & Drama Dynamics ~ to become aware of and step out of dynamics, patterns, imprints and conditioning that inadvertently contribute to misperception, struggle, drama, conflict, illness, loss. To step out of victim, rescuer/”hero”, bully/enemy image, and avoidant dynamics
* Eastern Thought ~ To engage in applied mindfulness and meditation, to train the mind in non-duality, dissolve conditioning, to be more fully present, engage more mindfully & skillfully, and explore the 9 Fold Path
* New Thought ~ To better understand & apply universal Laws (ie. Law of Attraction, Interconnectivity, Increase, etc) to support your and your clients’ efforts to be conscious creators & to take creative responsibility for how one’s positive and/or negative “Thoughts create things”, to be positive creators
* Consciousness-based Sciences ~ To learn & work with quantum physics, neuroscience, neurolinguistics, epigenetics, and other science-based principles & practices to better understand what is true & possible and to become more conscious creators
* Integrative Healing & Energy Medicine ~ to learn and apply proper protocols and techniques to support your own physical/ financial/ mental/ emotional/ relational/ energetic/ spiritual wellness & to assist clients with theirs. To clear blocks, patterns, imprints, to heal & uplevel on multiple levels, to illuminate the chakras & luminous energy field to their optimal states, to increase vibrational frequency & functioning, to assist with soul retrievals, integration and other expansive & liberating processes
* Music, Sound & Movement ~ for healing, up-leveling & consciousness-raising. Because all of life & creation first begins with frequency, vibration, sound, and intention the relevance of music, sound & movement is more important than ever. Where fitting, we explore where music, sound, and movement can be applied for the purposes of conscious creation, community engagement, community building, collective upleveling, social well-being & healing, consciousness raising, fund & resource raising, and more…
* and more…
“Be a presence for Good in the world. Use your time, talent, and resources to benefit others.”
- Become a more conscious, attuned, and aligned service-leader
- Relate, live, serve, lead, give, and create at whole new levels (with an emphasis on wholeness)
- Improve the quality of your life, profession, and the lives of the clients you serve with consciousness-based & shamanic principles and practices
- Create right livelihood for yourself as a skilled Integrative Healing Practitioner, Flow Coach, and/or conscious business or project support specialist
- Up-level your conscious organization, team, or business, manifest aligned opportunities and attract ideal clients
- Increase your and your clients’ capacity to navigate change, transition & uncertainty with greater grace, ease, and confidence
- Increase your and your clients’ ability to effect positive change… from the inside out and the ouside in
- Proactively identify and address various dynamics early on to reduce or clear struggle, drama, conflict, illness, loss before it becomes a Thing
- Collaborate with greater harmony, ease, and success tocreate awesomeness with other kindred spirit professionals.
~Cost of Private Mentorship~
Our Intention is to make our teachings, tools, practices & services as accessible as possible.
The degree to which we can do this varies based on the contributions of the students themselves and on our access to additional resources (i.e. donor support, scholarships, other opportunities) which help us to bridge the gap between the actual costs & available resources.
Pricing/Cost of mentorships vary:
* Pricing/rates for private mentorship are generally higher than small group, large group or program rates due to increased private access to mentors & frequency of meetings
* Pricing may be based on a specific program plus the cost of value-added private mentorship
* Pricing may be adjusted (up or down) based on the opportunities, needs, issues and resources present.
* The Key concept in establishing the Value Exchange is “Ayni” (or “right relationship”, mutual balance & benefit, harmony, integrity). Therefore, pricing may be set, tiered, and/or co-created between the mentor and student/ group to achieve “ayni” or balanced exchange.
* Value exchange is usually fully financial, but may also be part pay/part scholarship, part pay/part work trade or skill trade, or full-trade. (Trade options are limited & must be discussed, approved, and pre-arranged).
* In all cases, students must be committed to fulfilling their financial contributions, making the most of the opportunity, honoring the time & expertise of the mentor, doing their “homework”/practices, and applying what they learn to being of service to the well-being of humanity & the planet.
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See our “Team UP!” program offerings

Sponsor a Mentee

We do not do “charity”. We do inspiration, capacity building, and empowerment.
This is why our mentees, clients, and programs participants make amazing break-throughs and become conscious creators. As an organization, we are as self-sustaining as possible through our fee-based services and programs. And, all of our program participants contribute in meaningful ways… Through their own financial investments, dedication, and commitment. Through service and work-trade, through assisting us with running project, programs, and events, and through other creative means.
That means, your contributions help us to “bridge the gap” ~ the gap between what our participants are able to financially contribute and our actual program costs.
All donations are tax-deductible. Thank You for your sponsorship and your generosity. Thank You for investing in Awesomeness!
Below: Select from our menu of Donation Options and a Dollar amount for your contribution.
Sponsor a Mentee

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