The Bodhi Bridge
~ A Foundation for Awakening ~

Bodhi Philosophy
“What the world needs more than anything are Bodhisattvas … active servants of peace & possibility.
We need bodhisattva lawyers, artists, politicians, doctors, economists, teachers and engineers,
all working tirelessly (better yet, joyfully!) for the enlightenment of themselves and others.”
— Sogyal Rinpoche
Times of Change & Transition
(11 Things that Tend to Happen When One “Awakens”)
It is a time of Great Change for the world, the economy, the planet, communities, and for individual lives. For some, these changes (both internal & external) have set in motion a process of “Awakening”… a process of recognizing there is much more to life, to fulfilling one’s purpose & potential, to actualizing one’s capacity to relate, live, serve, lead, give, love, and create at Whole New Levels.
The Bodhi Bridge is dedicated to assisting with this process.
So, what happens when one “Awakens”? ✨?✨
Things begin to Change. ✨?✨
A series of Opportunities, Needs & Situations arise.
And 11 Very Specific Things Tend to Happen….
Whether one is working in a corporate or professional setting, attending University, growing coffee in Costa Rica, searching for meaning, parenting Little Ones, building a business or a relationship, or a family or a community … you name it … A series of specific changes happen.
1. People tend to Leave something. They leave a habit, a way of life, an addiction or a state of mind. They leave a “job”, a relationship, a home base, a country.
2. Next is… “Now, what do I do”? ?♀️
3. Where do I go? Where do I live?
4. Where is my like-minded/like-spirited community (aka “Tribe”)?
5. What are the teachings, tools, practices & resources that help me to Awaken & lead a better (happier, more fulfilling, successful, Good) life… from the inside out?
6. What do I do financially? (Hint: Old/familiar financial means tend to fall away, and new/more aligned/but maybe unfamiliar means of prosperity take their place.)
7. How do I used my gifts, talents, and skills to be of service (and make a thriving livelihood)?
8. How do I engage with people (especially family members) who may not be on a path of Awakening?
9. How do I create a Better World ~ a world I believe in ~ and with whom?
10. How do I find my soulmate, life partner, creation team?
11. And what about the kiddos? What do we do/create for the Littles? And How?
(Any or ALL of these sound familiar? Then Welcome Bright Light! You are well on your way!)
Addressing these Opportunities, Needs & Situations… especially for “Bright Lights” … is WHY we started The Bodhi Bridge.
So, Take a look at our Programs, Events, Trainings, Services and other Offerings.
See something that inspires you?
Take Action!
Contact Us.
Donate. Contribute.
Become a Sponsor.
Help us move people, projects, communities & creators forward … consciously, creatively, and in flow.
How to Help:
Support the Ones Who Lead & Serve the Many
One of the best ways we can serve is to keep people in great shape, so they can actualize the greater possibilities of their lives and serve others… consciously, creatively, and in flow. This is especially important for those service-providers and service-leaders who are in contact with the wider public or who have large followings… The Ones who lead & serve the Many.
There are many reasons for this… especially given the level of responsibility, connectivity, change and need for innovative solutions called for now.
Because our work can be done remotely (and the work is incredibly effective) … One of the best ways we can serve is to train more community members, service-oriented leaders, Shamanic/Integrative Healing Practitioners, Flow Coaches, Conscious Business Consultants and other professionals, so we can serve more people… easily & affordably.
With more trained Practitioners, working in person or remotely, we are in a position to safely serve and support service-providers, service-leaders, their teams, organizations, clients and communities.
The added Benefit: When a Practitioner receives a sponsorship for Mentorship, they are not only getting training, they are creating a thriving livelihood doing what they love. This creates meaningful employment that makes a positive difference in the lives of others at a time when it’s needed most.
What Your Donations Help Us Do:
Train more Leaders, Teams, Practitioners & Communities
1. Train more Community Leaders & Members in consciousness-based principles & practices, so they can benefit their communities.
2. Train more Integrative Healing (IHP) Practitioners, so we can serve more people… at more affordable rates.
3. Increase access to workshops, trainings, and services for committed students/participants
4. Provide service-learning & work-trade Opportunities for gifted and talented students from diverse communities and age groups.
5. Help create thriving livelihoods (aka “meaningful employment”) at a time when purpose & meaning helps to change lives for the better.
6. Support the Ones who lead and serve the Many… to help reduce “burn out” & keep those who are serving many others in great shape.
7. Serve more people remotely (via online platforms like FaceTime, Whats App, phone, Zoom, or other virtual platforms.). Sooner rather than later… So we can get ahead of the wave.
8. Support other amazing Programs & Community Partners. So we can create a better future… Together.
Current Projects & Top Priorities
We inspire & empower people to be Conscious Creators actualizing the greater Possibilities of their lives, livelihoods, and communities … consciously, creatively & in flow.

Conscious Service & Leadership Institute
(Mt. Chirripo ~ Costa Rica)
Contact Us to:
*Help Sponsor It!
* Create It! * Build It!
* Be Part of It!

Be Our Social Impact Partner!
Fund Essential People, Projects, Programs & Infrastructure
Help us Expand our Reach & Scale our Impact

“Conscious Creators” IHP/BIZ Program
IHP: Integrative Healing/Shamanic Practitioner Training
BIZ: “5D/7D” Business & Project Development Training

Sponsor Practitioners & Project Partners
Help us get these transformational trainings & programs to gifted, talented, committed Practitioners, who in turn, help us serve more leaders, teams, projects, organizations & communities!

About Us
We are Conscious Creators inspiring & empowering people to actualize greater possiblities of their lives, livelihoods, and communities …
from the inside out & the outside in.

Our Purpose
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We do One Thing.
We just do it many ways.
We inspire & empower people to live, lead, and serve in their Authentic & Higher Self and to actualize the Greater Possibilities of their lives, livelihoods & communities…
consciously, creatively and in flow.
We do this through…
* Talks
* Trainings/Classes
* Mentorships
* Programs
* 1:1 Services
* Intensives
* Retreats
* Gatherings

Our Mission
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Our Mission is two-fold:
1) We empower service-oriented leaders to address the Opportunities, Needs, and Issues that arise on the path of conscious service, leadership, and awakening…
consciously, creatively, and in flow.
2) In the process, we awaken and illuminate the Divine Potential in humanity to create thriving lives of grace, ease, harmony, inspiration, and right relationship…
from the inside out & the outside in.

Our Why
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Because… It Is Time.
In our rapidly changing world, people are “waking up” more quickly than ever.
And conscious people want conscious & creative alternatives…
to pretty much Everything.
As people Awaken, a unique series of inner shifts, life transitions, and livelihood changes take place.
#1 They leave something (an unhealthy or unfulfilling relationship, habit, job, way of living, location etc.) Next comes…
#2 Where do I live?
#3 Where do I work?
#4 Who is my Tribe/Community?
#5 How do I use my gifts & talents to make a positive difference in the world?
#6 How do I create a thriving livelihood using my gifts, talents, and consciousness?
#7 How do I navigate the Gap between what is falling away and what is newly being created?
#8 What are the teachings, tools, and practices that help me continue to Awaken and successfully navigate The Shift?
#9 How do I engage with people I care about who may not want/choose to grow, change, or Awaken?
#10 What is my Higher Purpose. how do I fulfill it, and who can I collaborate with?
#11 What about the kiddos? What is available for them??

Our Who
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We serve Conscious Creators, Bright Lights and the Ones who lead & serve The Many…
The transformational leaders, influencers, facilitators, service providers, healers, coaches, business owners, teams & staff, awesome young adults, and their communities & followings…
to support their wholeness, happiness, thriving, and success as they support the wholeness, happiness, thriving and success of humanity & the planet.

Your Benefit
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Become Conscious Creators Actualizing the Greater Possibilities of Life
Be & Become…
* Inspiring Models of Possibility
* Conscious Communicators & Community Members
* Influencers in your Profession/ Field
* Paradigm-shifting Service Leaders, Educators & Guides
* Grounded & effective 5D/7D Business Professionals
* Highly valued Integration & Up-Leveling Specialists
* Highly skilled Energy Medicine/ Integrative Healing Practitioners
* High integrity Space Holders & Shamans; and,
* Master Facilitators of Positive Change.
* * * * * * * * * * *
* Move people, projects & communities forward… consciously & creatively
* Use your gifts & talents to create positive change & thriving livelihood
* Up-level your life, organization, team & community
* Proactively & consciously address opportunities, needs & issues that arise
* Create & embody greater wholeness, creativity & abundance
* Navigate life, change, and the unexpected with greater grace, ease, harmony, thriving, and flow.
Because Changing Times call for inspired action & innovative leaders.

Our How
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Consciously… Creatively… In Flow
All of our Offerings are anchored in consciousness-based principles & practices that empower humanity to live with greater grace, ease, harmony, thriving and flow.
* Conscious Engagement, Right Relationship & Flow
* Applied Mindfulness practices & Eastern Thought
* Ancient/Indigenous wisdom for modern times
* Shamanic principles & practices for daily life, health & conscious business
* Conscious creation using quantum physics, energy awareness, neuro-science, neurolinguistics
* Conscious service & leadership principles & practices
* Integrative healing, energy medicine & up-leveling modalities
* Conscious communication
*Philanthropic entrepreneurship
* Conscious community development

Moving people, projects, communities, and creators forward… consciously, creatively, and in flow …
from the inside out & the outside in.
“Conscious Creators” IHP/BIZ Program

Launches 2025
(In Person Intensives ~ Costa Rica)
Level 1/South: TBD
Level 2/West: TBD
Level 3/North: TBD
Level 4/East: TBD
On-Line Training & Mentorship follows each In-Person Intensive.
See Program descriptions below for more info.

"Conscious Creators" ~ Program Overview
A 4 Part intensive program for equipping conscious creators & service-leaders with the transformational teachings, tools & practices to powerfully support humanity’s evolution.

Part 1: Foundations ~ Conscious Service & Leadership Medicine Wheel
Essential Foundations training for conscious service & leadership using consciousness-based teachings & hands-on shamanic principles & practices

Part 2A: A-Track ~ Integrative Healing Practitioner Training
Intensive 9 month professional Shamanic/ Integrative Healing Practitioner Training & Mentorship for supporting the up-leveling of clients & community

Part 2B: B-Track ~ Business & Project Development
For conscious professionals & creators seeking to integrate consciousness-based/shamanic principles & practices into their businesses, projects, teams & organizations.

Super Cool & Meaningful Opportunities!
Earn-As-You-Learn! Our Practitioners-In-Training participate in, create and support all kinds of Good in the World … and create thriving lives & prosperity in the process! Check it out…

Programs in Costa Rica

"Conscious Creators"2025 IHP: Integrative Healing & BIZ: Business Development
(Launching August 2023)

Chirripo' Community Development
Bringing Consciousness-based Teachings, Tools, and Practices to Community

Music for Good
Music & Musicians Serving the Heart, Soul & Good of Community
In Person & On Line Programs

Private & Small Group Mentorships
Training & Mentoring conscious (and young) leaders of Tomorrow… Today.

✨On Line Courses ✨ (Coming Soon!)
Access our transformational teachings, tools, practices & session work from where ever you are

Mentees & Practitioners
Training “Bright Lights” in conscious service, leadership, integrative healing, and “5D+” business development as paths of Awakening.
Our Practitioners and Practitioners-In-Training help to make our work & our services accessible (and more affordable) to more people, projects, communities & creators.

IHP Practitioner-In-Training
(Level 1)

IHP Practitioner-In-Training
(Level 1)

IHP Practitioner-In-Training
(Incoming Level 1)

Incoming IHP Practitioner
Certified Practitioners
Our fully trained & certified Practitioners serve at high-caliber levels. Bonus: They integrate this work into their other amazing professional work to create innovative, holistic & comprehensive service offerings.

Offering transformational services that support & empower the Ones who lead & serve the Many.

Julían (IHP/EMP)
Costa Rica
Certified Integrative Healing / Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner
(Level 4)

These Certified Level 4 Integrative Healing & Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioners are here to be in service to your wholeness, happiness, thriving, and success.

Amber (IHP/EMP)
Costa Rica
Certified Integrative Healing / Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner (Level 4)
1:1 Sessions
Integrative Healing & Shamanic Energy Medicine Sessions with IHP Practitioners
Integrative Healing & Shamanic Energy Medicine Sessions with Master Practitioner
Private Mentorships
Flow Coaching
Resource Linking
Private 1:1 Retreats & Intensives
Group Services
Teachings, Talks, & Lectures
Group Mentorships
Team/Staff Trainings
Program Development
Community Events

Inspiration, Innovation & Community in Action!
Bodhi Bridge Projects: Costa Rica

Conscious Creators: Community & Collaboration
Hands-On Comunity Development Training Series

Conscious Creators: Music for Good
Music & Community in Action

"Sangha Development"
Supporting Sangha for Conscious Comunity Development
Partner Projects We Support with Your Help

Lama Dorje Dharma (Chirripo Sangha)
Monthly Talks & Events

Lama Dorje U.S. Tour 2022
“Global change is an individual responsibility.” (HH Dalai Lama)

Dewachen World Peace Sanctuary
Change Happens from the Inside Out

La Escuelita Finca Mia
(Waldorf School ~ Mt. Chirripo’)
Little but Mighty (and Growing!)

Chirripo' Food Forest & Community Gardens
(Chimirol ~ Mt. Chirripo’)
Planting seeds of the future Today!

Retreats & Events
Bringing Bright Lights & other community members together to learn, grow, play, and give.

"Creating Conscious Community"
with Drupon Lama Dorje
(Dharma Talk & Sangha Gatherings)
See Online Offerings &
In Person Events
* * * * * *

The Institute
Where the magic happens!
Our home-bases & epic spaces … here and abroad.
Our Int'l Hub ~ Costa Rica

The Conscious Service & Leadership Institute

Community Partners
We are conscious creators committed to creating a thriving eco-system of Awesome people, opportunities & resources.
Diana H. Dokos
Lura A Kingsford
Betty Cambronero
Anonymous Donor
Anonymous Donor
Drupon Lama Dorje & Team
Emily Prendiville (NC)
Chuck Peterson (PA)
Steven White (CO)
Angie Godfrey (UT)
Mt. Chirripo' Musicians (Costa Rica)
Chirripo' Jazz Collective (Costa Rica)
La Escuelita (Costa Rica)
Drupon Lama Dorje & Dewachen (Mt. Chirripo')
Kapi Kapi Cafe & Eco-Mercado (Mt. Chirripo')
Casa Alegria & The Butterfly Dome (Mt. Chirripo')
Batsu Gastropub (Mt. Chirripo)
Rio Chirripo Lodge (Costa Rica)
Nama-Stay Retreat Village (Zion/Springdale, UT)
Zion Guru (Zion/Springdale, UT)

Our Team
Our People Make Miracles Possible!

Diana H. Dokos
Founder & Lead Facilitator
(Utah, USA & Costa Rica)

Coming Soon!
Marketing & Communications Maven

Our Int'l Facilitation Team
(Casa Alegria & Butterfly Dome)

Lura Kingsford
Exec Admin/Coach/Board Member
(Utah, USA)