
IHP Program

Conscious Creators


Integrative Healing Practitioner

Training & Mentorship


IHP Practitioners are the Healers & Transformational Change Facilitators of the Conscious Creators Program.
Our Integrative Healing Practitioners are the Ones who serve those who lead & serve The Many ~ the facilitators, service -providers, and innovators on the leading edge of change.  

We equip these gifted, talented &  committed healing Practitioners with extensive training, mentorship & certification in this 9 month program. 

Practitioners learn 4 different Levels of:
* consciousness-based principles & practices for facilitating paradigm shifts

*  client assessment practices

* integrative healing protocols 

* shamanic energy work protocols

* shamanic teachings,  tools, practices

* mindfulness-based up-leveling work 

* flow consciousness

* integration & up-leveling principles & practices

* conscious service & leadership approaches

* other principles, practices & protocols to support clients and communities in their growth & evolution.

Qualifying Practitioners-in-Training & Graduates also receive Client & Project Referals (as available).

Advanced Level 5 Training & Mentorship is available for graduates who qualify.


~Integrative Healing Practitioner~

Healing and leveling up is a natural ~ and often essential ~ part of a any transformational leader’s  journey. Willingness to learn, grow, heal, step out of old patterns & dynamics and transform one’s relationship with life, self, and others is a powerful step ~ one that not only shifts & heals one’s own being & way of relating to life, but also greatly benefits the communities one serves and the wider collective.

This program trains and empowers Healing Arts Practitioners to tap into the well-spring of grace, ease, harmony, and flow within themselves … then, ultimately, empower their clients and communities to access that within themselves and ripple out their Highest Good. 

 Throughout their training, IHP Practitioners learn to support & empower clients on their transformational journey. Practitioners learn to identify, track and clear imprints, patterns, blocks, generational wounds, ancestral patterns, past life wounds, karmic loops, wounded soul contracts, generational traumas & other events that are often the Root Cause of patterns and issues that affect their wholeness, happiness, thriving and success.
Once “clear”, Practitioners “Illuminate” and “Up-Level” the client’s physical, mental, emotional, relational and energetic system, reconnecting them to their Essence, to their Authentic/Higher Self, soul parts, divine gifts & talents, and their direct connection to Source. This sets Miracles in motion.

The ultimate gift is the natural healing, liberation, and transformation that occurs. When one shifts out of worry, stress, the “figuring mind”, struggle, drama, co-dependency (from the inside), it suddently becomes possible to shift into conscious engagement & right relationship with all of life. And This sets greater levels of grace, ease, harmony, thriving, and flow in motion, both in the client and in the world.  

In this 4 Level (120 hour) training & mentorship, IHP Practitioners build their healing “mesa” (energy medicine bundle), integrative healing tool box, and private practice.  The program provides extensive training, mentorship, and client practicum for the Practitioner to more fully embody the principles & practices of Right Relation & Conscious Engagement, to learn healing protocols & ethics, and to create thriving a “right livelihood”  ~ a form of conscious livelihood & economic freedom ~ using one’s gifts & talents in service to humanity and the planet. 

~Who It’s For~

Experienced and new healing arts practitioners wishing to add integrative healing practices, shamanic energy medicine, and consciousness-based tools & practices to their service offerings. (This work may be done in person or remotely.)

 Those who are committed to doing their inner transformational work, clearing imprints & other energetic patterns & dynamics, creating more harmonious relationships, and living in one’s Authentic/Higher Self.

Practitioners who wish to provide support for healing arts centers,  facilitation teams, retreat centers, non-profit organizations,       successful client up-leveling,  and post-program integration for transformational journeys.

Bright Lights committed to creating awesomeness in the world through teachings, tools, and healing practices that help one to create & embody greater grace, ease, harmony, thriving, flow… and to assist their clients & communities in doing the same.

Practitioners who wish to enjoy a Work From Anywhere profession that allows one to live, travel, and serve from anywhere in the world (with good wi-fi), work remotely with clients, and provide valuable benefit to individuals & communities from where ever they are.  

~How It Works~

Participation in the Integrative Healing Practitioner program is currently by nomination, invitation, application, and selection. Attendance is currently limited to honor social distancing & is offered 1 time per year.

The 4 Levels of Integrative Healing Practitioner training are aligned with the 4 Directions of the Foundations: Conscious Service & Leadership Medicine Wheel. (CSL MW is required for participation in the IHP program):

* CSL MW Foundations (South) + IHP Level 1

* CSL MW Foundations (West) + IHP Level 2 

* CSL MW Foundations (North) + IHP Level 3

* CSL MW Foundations (East) + IHP Level 4

* Option: Mentorship & Advanced IHP Level 5

An additional 10 hours of on-line IHP training and 30 hours of client practicum follows each Direction/Level.

 Each Level of the program plus practicum usually takes 2 months to complete. The 4 Directions & IHP Levels usually takes place over a period of 8 months. Successful completion of all 4 Levels earns the IHP Practitioner a graduate certification.

 Level 5 Advance Practitioner Training & Mentorship may be available to graduated Practitioners who qualify. 

Day 1:

Conscious Service & Leadership Medicine Wheel

Day 2:

Conscious Service & Leadership Medicine Wheel

Day 3:

Conscious Service & Leadership Medicine Wheel

Day 4:

Integrative Healing Practitioner Training

Day 5:

Integrative Healing Practitioner Training

After in-person Training:


* Client Practicum Sessions

* Mentorship

IHP Level 1

Physical/ Body / Finance / Form


* Level 1 IHP Training (In Person Intensive)

* Level 1 IHP Training (Add’l Online)

* Protocols for working with clients 

* Client Practicum Sessions 

* Case Studies 

* Supervised & Test Out Sessions 

* Group & 1:1 Mentorship 

* Levels of Mastery Assessments 

* Code of Conduct & Ethical Stewardship 

* Private Practice & Business Development

IHP Level 2

Mind/ Emotion/ Language/ Belief


* Level 2 IHP Training (In Person Intensive)

* Level 2 IHP Training (Add’l Online)

* Protocols for working with clients

* Client Practicum Sessions

* Case Studies

* Supervised & Test Out Sessions

* Group & 1:1 Mentorship

* Levels of Mastery Assessments

* Code of Conduct & Ethical Stewardship

* Private Practice & Business Development

IHP Level 3

Heart/ Soul/ Purpose/ Right Livelihood


* Level 3 IHP Training (In Person Intensive)

* Level 3 IHP Training (Add’l Online)

* Protocols for working with clients

* Client Practicum Sessions

* Case Studies

* Supervised & Test Out Sessions

* Group & 1:1 Mentorship

* Levels of Mastery Assessments

* Code of Conduct & Ethical Stewardship

* Private Practice & Business Development

IHP Level 4

Energy/ Spirit/ Vision/ Community/ Creation


* Level 4 IHP Training (In Person Intensive)

* Level 4 IHP Training (Add’l Online)

* Protocols for working with clients & community

* Client Practicum Sessions

* Case Studies

* Supervised & Test Out Sessions

* Group & 1:1 Mentorship

* Levels of Mastery Assessments

* Code of Conduct & Ethical Stewardship

* Private Practice & Business Development

~What You’ll Learn~

Consciousness-based principles & practices:

  • Conscious Service & Leadership
  • Conscious Creation
  • Creating in the Quantum Realm
  • Facilitating The Shift 
  • “1D/3D” to “5D/7D+”
  • Working with Bright Lights

Quantum Healing Practices:

  • Integrative Healing 
  • Shamanic Energy Medicine 
  • Shamanic teachings, tools, practices
  • Integration protocols
  • Up-Leveling protocols
  • Interdisciplinary Healing & Collaboration

Thought Traditions:

  • New Thought consciousness
  • Eastern philosophies
  • Indigenous wisdom teachings
  • Shamanic principles & practices
  • Mindfulness practices
  • Meditation
  • Breathwork
  • Consciousness-based sciences:
    • Epigenetics
    • Neuro-science
    • Neuro-plasticity
    • Neuro-linguistics
    • Quantum physics
    • Heissenger Observer Effect


  • Increase capacity for conscious engagement and right relationship,  strengthen one’s luminous energy field, and elevate one’s energetic frequency to attract higher qualities of people, opportunities and experiences into one’s life.
  • The Results: greater levels of grace, ease, harmony, and flow within one’s self, with others, and with the world around us, more swift and beneficial break-throughs, the ability to see and manifest opportunities and resources that benefit oneself and the greater whole, practices for communicating and meeting needs more consciously and creatively, and more.
  • One of the most transformative aspects of the CSL Medicine Wheel is that it offers powerfully aligned energetic means by which to heal and clear the patterns, “imprints”, heavy energy, and wounds associated with drama dynamics and egoic conditioning! “Imprints” are energetic holding patterns and are at the root of illness, struggle, drama, generational and karmic patterns, and other repeating dynamics. Clearing these creates more swift and beneficial break-throughs.

~Next Steps~

Here are the next steps to get involved!

Step 1: Feel Into It. Does this light you up from the inside out? – Awesome. Read on.

Step 2: Contact us! Let us know you are interested and if you have questions.

Step 3: Have all the clarity you need? Awesome- Complete the Registration Application below and send in your Deposit. Or send in your Deposit to reserve your space while you complete the Registration Application. Either way works.

Step 4: Make Your Payment(s). Full payments are best and help you step more fully and completely into the room. Partial payments are also accepted as long as time permits and you’ve worked out a payment plan with us and stick to it. In either case, payments get to be completed by the deadline stated before your program.

Step 5: Get ready for your program!  Very exciting! We usually send out a Welcome Letter with the information you’ll need to get started.

Step 6: Stay the Course! Heads up: It’s pretty common for people (um, the ego/mind) to experience a mixture of excitement and fear once you’ve paid and committed (especially if you feel a strong “Soul Yes”/Calling/or Pull to participate). It’s also pretty common for people to get “Tested”… Tested by compelling distractions, by internal or external Interference, by other things trying to assert priority, by fears and insecurities, by other people’s things/”needs” showing up, or by any number of other distractions or hooky second-thoughts.

Note: It’s All Good. That is part of your Jedi Training. If you can make it through the initial interference, you’ve done enough inner work and have enough self-mastery and commitment to do great in the program! And That’s who we’re Calling In and what we’re looking for!

Step 7: Enjoy the Journey! It’s such a cool program that attracts really amazing people. So, It’s worth it! We promise.

Register & Pay

Fill out the Contact Us Section below for more Information & to Register.

Contact Us About:

“Conscious Creators”

A-Track: Integrative Healing Practitioner

Training & Mentorship

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