“Team UP!”

“Team UP!”

Program Overview

Fulfill a higher purpose moving people, projects, communities & creators forward … consciously, creatively, and in flow.

At this time in human history, we are uniquely challenged, blessed, and Called to be of more conscious service and leadership, and to bring greater hope and healing to humanity and to the planet. Regardless of opportunity or circumstance facing us as individuals, as a collective, or as a planet, we are being Called (and sometimes squeezed) to anchor into and engage from our Authentic/Higher Self as service providers, service leaders, creators, and visionaries… and to empower our clients to do the same. We are being Called to step up, step in, and  serve the wholeness, happiness, thriving, and success not only of individuals, but of  the Whole.

The Time of the lone wolf is over.

It is now Time to “Team UP” and be “Conscious Creators” addressing the opportunities, needs, and issues of our era… consciously, creatively, and in flow… Together.

< Click arrows to check out more pictures >

Team UP

Moving people, project, communities & creators forward… consciously, creatively, and in flow.

The “Conscious Creators” program is for those who know that positive social change, harmony in relationships, prosperity & creativity, healing & wholeness, and thriving communities begin from the inside-out. This in-depth Foundations training and our 3 optional Tracks of consciousness-based professional development are for those who are:

1) Desiring to invest in themselves, in their professional development & in their communities by becoming Conscious Creators, Integrative Healing Practitioners, trained shamanic practitioners,  Flow coaches, conscious community leaders & well-equipped support staff/team

2) Interested in learning and applying consciousness-based principles & practices, ancient/indigenous & shamanic wisdom teachings, modern science (quantum physics, neuroscience, neurolinguistics), mindfulness,  conscious engagement and other practices to increase their capacity for living, leading, and serving with greater grace, ease, harmony, thriving, flow, and right relationship; 

Using a Medicine Wheel  (indigenous/shamanic wisdom) approach to Conscious Service & Leadership development, this 4 Direction/4 Level program inspires and empowers participants to be more conscious, creative, and effective in the ways they relate, live,  serve, lead, give and create in the world.

Part 1: Foundations: Conscious Service & Leadership Medicine Wheel offers:

* A series of interdisciplinary lectures & intensive trainings by Master Teacher & Practitioner, Diana H. Dokos 

 * Training in All 4 Directions, with the principles & practices of  each Direction building upon the others 

* Guest speakers & co-facilitators

* Small & large group discussions

* Hands-on up-leveling & integration tools, practices & activities

* Introduction to applied integrative healing, energy medicine, and shamanic practices

* 13 Great Rites & Inititations

* Ceremonies & Training in Holding Sacred Space

* Building of your shamanic medicine/healing bundle in the tradition of the Q’ero of Peru

* A community of Conscious Creators  to team up with & create Awesomeness in the World   

✨? ✨  

Part 2: A, B, C-Tracks offer Value-Added Professional Training: 

Dive more deeply into specialized areas of interest, professional development & applied practice for serving clients & community: 

* A-Track: Integrative Healing Practitioner Training

* B-Track: Conscious Business & Project Development

*C-Track: Flow / Right Relation Coaching (Add-on for Coaches & Coaches-in-Training)

 These Tracks can be done as Small Group/Team Trainings or as Private 1:1 Mentorships.

Each Track varies in program structure, frequency of training or meeting, requirements for participation, and cost.

See each Track and/or contact us for more information.


 ~Overview of “Team UP” Program ~

Part 1: Foundations

Conscious Service & Leadership

4 Direction Medicine Wheel

Conscious Service, Leadership & Shamanic Training Intensive

South: “The Way of Beauty & The Healer”

West: “The Way of Peace & Right Relationship”

North: “The Way of the Soul & The Teacher”

East: “The Way of the Visionary & The Conscious Creator”

 30 hours of Training (each Direction)

120 hours of Training

Part 2A: A-Track

Integrative Healing Practitioner

IHP Training

IHP Training Levels 1,2,3,4
(in person & on-line)

Client Practicum Sessions

Small Group & 1:1 Mentorship

Develop your Private IHP Practice

Advanced Level 5 ~ Facilitator’s Training (Optional)

(Participation in CSL MW Foundations is Required)

30 hours of Training

+ 35 hours of Client Practicum

(65 hours each Level)

120 hours of Training + 140 hours of Client Practicum

(260 hrs for 4 IHP Levels)

Part 2B: B-Track

Business/ Project Development

Conscious Business & Project Development

(Currently available to Groups, Teams, or Private 1:1)

Part Consciousness Training

Part Project Consulting

Part Master Mind

Part Business & Project Development

Foundations: Conscious Service & Leadership Medicine Wheel encouraged but not required (unless you wish to be a Full Mesa Carrier)

# of hours of Training & Mentorship varies by individual or group need 

Part 2C: C-Track

Flow Coaching

Flow & Right Relation Coaching

Available on-line to certified Coaches & Coaches-In-Training 

Add these elements to your Client Services tool box: 

* Flow consciousness 

* Right Relation consciousness 

* Conscious Engagement 

* Drama Dynamics & Shadowwork 

* Shamanic principles & practices  

   Team Up with Integrative Healing Practitioners to provide clients with powerful transformational services & support

 # of hours varies by  individual or group need

~Who It’s For~

Motivated creators, Bright Lights, and spiritual professionals who want to be in conscious community, learning, growing, collaborating  and using their genius & their loving-kindness to create awesomeness in the world …

in Right Relationship…


Those committed to doing their inner transformational work, clearing imprints & other energetic patterns & dynamics, creating more harmonious relationships, and relating, living, serving, leading & giving in their Authentic/Higher Self

Students & professionals  interested in integrating consciousness principles, indigenous & shamanic wisdom teachings, mindfulness, quantum physics, and conscious service & leadership into their personal, professional, and spiritual lives.

Those wishing to  fulfill a higher purpose who are committed to moving people, projects, communities, and creators forward …

consciously, creatively, and in flow …

from the inside out & the outside in.

Those who are ready, motivated, and committed to proactively identify, address & clear various dynamics, blocks, imprints,  generational patterns, past life traumas and the like, using consciousness-based healing modalities &  shamanic principles & practices.

~How It Works~

 The Part 1: Foundations Training  & Part 2A: Integrative Healing Practitioner Intensive meets for a Total of 5 days in person, followed by on line teachings, client practicum (for IHP Practitioners), Q & A and Ceremony. The first 3 days of training focuses on the Foundation of  Conscious Service using a Medicine Wheel approach (CSL MW). Some students may choose to take Part 1: Foundations training only.  

Days 4 and 5 day continue with the A-Track: Integrative Healing Practioner Training/Intensive, where students will receive extensive training in integrative healing practices, shamanic principles & practices, and energy medicine for professional use with clients. Weekly on-line training, client practicum sessions, community building, ceremonies, and Mentorship follow.  Participation in Part 1: Foundations ~ Conscious Service & Leadership training is required to qualify for  Integrative Healing Practitioner training.

 Part 1: Foundations ~ Conscious Service & Leadership Medicine Wheel (CSLMW)  is the foundational training for all of the professional training Tracks: A-Track ~ Integrative Healing Practitioner; B-Track ~ Business & Project Development; and, C-Track: Flow / Right Relation Coaching.      

After the in-person Training/Intensive,  participants & Practitioners  continue with on-line trainings to support their learning, up-leveling & integration process, and community connection after returning home. This allows time to apply what you’ve learned, refine your skills, and more fully embody the teachings, tools, and practices within daily life and client work, while being a kindred spirit in conscious Munay community.    

Each Program has a different but complimentary set of on-line curriculum and training hours. 

See each specific program page for more details. 



 There are 4 Directions & 4 IHP Levels

Part 1: Foundations

 Conscious Service & Leadership Medicine Wheel

Part 1: Foundations


Part 1: Foundations


Part 1: Foundations


Part 1: Foundations


Each Training Direction / Level works like this: 

Day 1: Foundations

Conscious Service & Leadership Medicine Wheel

Day 2: Foundations

Conscious Service & Leadership Medicine Wheel

Day 3: Foundations

Conscious Service & Leadership Medicine Wheel

Day 4:


Integrative Healing Practioner Training

Day 5:


Integrative Healing Practioner Training

On-Line Training Continues (or Begins) after In-Person Event:

Part 1: Foundations

Conscious Service & Leadership Medicine Wheel

1 x/mo Online Call & Group Ceremony

Private Community Thread

Part 2A: A-Track

Integrative Healing Practitioner Training

(5) Weekly Group Trainings & Mentorship Calls

(1)  Supervised Session Assessment

Private 1:1 Mentorship (as needed)

(1)  Test Out Assessment

Part 2B: B-Track

Business & Project Development

Option 1: Private 1:1 Mentorship

Option 2: Small Group/Team Mentorship

Option 3: Customized Consulting Support

Part 2C: C-Track

Flow / Right Relation Coaching Training

Option 1: Private 1:1 Mentorship

Option 2: Small Group/Team Mentorship

All 4 programs are NOT required to participate!

However, Part 1: Foundations ~CSL MW  IS reqired to participate in A, B, & C-Tracks. You are also able to go through the CSL Medicine Wheel as a stand-alone course for your own personal transformational journey.

~What You’ll Learn~

~ Conscious Service & Leadership meets Ancient Wisdom & Modern Science ~ 

Our work is anchored in over 40,000 years of wisdom-based traditions and modalities that blend the best of science, spirituality, and consciousness in service to humanity, the planet, and the future.

See each program for Descriptions:


  • More gracefully and effectively navigate change and transition in today’s rapidly shifting world.
  • Empower onself to address the unique opportunities, needs, and issues that arise on the path of awakening.
  • Increase capacity for conscious engagement and right relationship.
  • Elevate one’s energetic frequency to attract higher qualities of people opportunities and experiences into one’s life.
  • Better navigate the Gap, the Unknown, the Wobble, Interference and other opportunities and challenges that arise when up-leveling
  • Identify and clear the imprints, blocks, patterns, and time-lines that (in the past) would have created drama, conflict, illness and other dynamics


  • If interested, contact us! We’d love to share the Options we have to offer and explore what would be a perfect fit for you.
  • We want our programs to be as accessible as possible for those who qualify for them, so we have created a multi-tiered sliding scale. When we receive sponsorships, donations, or program support, we apply that to our pricing structure to reduce the price of our trainings & mentorships. We also create a variety of innovative ways for our students, Practitioners, and program participants to make the most of their training opportunities to generate funds and create a thriving livelihood doing what they love while they’re learning!


Community /

 Student Rate


Part Pay /

Part Work-Trade

(As Available)


Part Pay /

Part Scholarship

(As Available)


Professional /

Small Business  Rate

~Next Steps~

Feel Into It. Does this resonate & light you up from the inside out? Awesome! Read on.

Step 1: Contact us! Let us know you are interested, as space is limited. We can share more details about the program and are happy to answer questions.

Step 2: If you are invited to apply, Awesome! Complete the program Application & Registration and send in your Deposit. (Deposits are non-refundable & reserve your space while you complete the Application & Registration process. Funds are only returned if you are not accepted to the program.)

Step 3: Get ready for your program! Very exciting! We will send you a Welcome Letter with the information you’ll need to get started.

Step 4: In the meantime… We highly encourage program applicants to experience Integrative Healing/Energy Work with one of our Practitioners-in-Training (See our “Mentees” section.). 1:1 Session work gives you direct experience with the kinds of principles & practices you’ll learn in class, first-hand knowledge of how this work works & benefits you, and clears imprints & patterns early on… so you’re ready to rock & roll when you enter the program! The rates are very reasonable & go to support the Mentee’s training. We’re happy to apply a portion of your session payments to your program fees.

Step 5: Make Your Program Payment(s). You are welcome to pay in Full (All 4 Directions, for a discounted rate), pay per Direction (1 Class at a time),  or in installments (per Terms & Agreement). Making your first payment will help you step more fully and completely into the room.Whichever Option you choose, get to be completed by the deadline stated before your program.

Step 6: Stay the Course! It’s pretty common for people (um, the ego/mind) to experience a mixture of excitement and fear once you’ve paid and committed (especially if you feel a strong “Soul Yes”/Calling/or Pull to participate). It’s also pretty common for people to get “Tested”… Tested by internal or external Interference, by other things trying to assert priority, by fears and insecurities, by other people’s ”needs” & dramas showing up, or by any number of other compelling distractions. Welcome! You are now in  Class and in the fire ✨? ✨ . The Universe is now training you.

Note: It’s All Good. That is part of your Jedi Training. If you can make it through the initial interference, you’ve done enough inner work and have enough self-mastery and commitment to do great in the program! And That’s who we’re Calling In and what we’re looking for… Jedi-level program participants & amazing Bright Lights!

Step 7: Enjoy the Journey! It’s such a cool program that attracts really amazing people. So, It’s worth it! We promise.



Register & Pay

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"Team UP!" Programs

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