$25.00 – $500,000.00
We are as self-sustaining as possible through our fee-based services and programs. Your contributions help us to “bridge the gap” ~ the gap between what our participants are able to contribute and our actual program costs. Your support helps us to get our consciousness-based leadership programs, community workshops, internships and mentorships, retreats, fee-based services and other opportunities to those who could not otherwise afford them. That means amazing people (especially young adults, women with children, and non-profit or service-organization leaders) get to participate in inspiring programs, develop their personal/professional/spiritual leadership skills, make life-changing break-throughs with our services, reboot and up-level with game-changing leadership retreats, and benefit the lives of others in the process. Awesome, right? (You should see them in action. Now THAT is Truly Awesome!!) Annnnd … We are excited to announce: We’ve found a Home! A base of operations in which we can house our work, offer workshops, classes, and sessions, AND… most exciting(!)…. host leadership retreats & trainings. The most amazing and miraculous part is that it’s in the Zion National Park area, international travel destination to 5 million visitors. As sponsor and investor in our Training Institute, you get the Bonus Fun of getting to help us name a room in your/your organization’s honor and/or host retreats in this breath-taking location. Woot! Donate below or Contact Us for more information on sponsoring/investing in our Training Institute: or (435) 922-0178. Thank You for your generosity! Thank You for believing in Us and in the value of this work. Thank You for investing in Awesomeness! (See “What Your Donations Support” below for more information.) Please select a Donation Option and a Dollar amount for your contribution.Donate
$25.00 – $500,000.00
We are as self-sustaining as possible through our fee-based services and programs. Your contributions help us to “bridge the gap” ~ the gap between what our participants are able to contribute and our actual program costs.
Your support helps us to get our consciousness-based leadership programs, community workshops, internships and mentorships, retreats, fee-based services and other opportunities to those who could not otherwise afford them. That means amazing people (especially young adults, women with children, and non-profit or service-organization leaders) get to participate in inspiring programs, develop their personal/professional/spiritual leadership skills, make life-changing break-throughs with our services, reboot and up-level with game-changing leadership retreats, and benefit the lives of others in the process. Awesome, right?
(You should see them in action. Now THAT is Truly Awesome!!)
Annnnd … We are excited to announce: We’ve found a Home! A base of operations in which we can house our work, offer workshops, classes, and sessions, AND… most exciting(!)…. host leadership retreats & trainings. The most amazing and miraculous part is that it’s in the Zion National Park area, international travel destination to 5 million visitors. As sponsor and investor in our Training Institute, you get the Bonus Fun of getting to help us name a room in your/your organization’s honor and/or host retreats in this breath-taking location. Woot!
Donate below or Contact Us for more information on sponsoring/investing in our Training Institute: or (435) 922-0178.
Thank You for your generosity! Thank You for believing in Us and in the value of this work.
Thank You for investing in Awesomeness!
(See “What Your Donations Support” below for more information.)
Please select a Donation Option and a Dollar amount for your contribution.
You can Designate what you would most love to support.
Below is a brief description of our Programs, Giving Opportunities and Wish List.
Check out how your donations will be used to create Awesomeness!
Where it’s needed most: Donation will be unrestricted and directed where they're needed most. Unrestricted donations increase our capacity and our ability to respond to time-sensitive priorities, opportunities and needs. (Suggested donation: Any amount helps.)
General Operating Fund: Donations support space rental fees for classes/workshops/retreats, facilitator fees, program development, outreach, permits, etc. (Suggested donation: Any amount helps.)
"Believe In A Bright Light" (Leader,Intern & Mentee Sponsorships): Donations help us provide training, mentorship, education, and support for the work of talented leaders, interns & mentees. Our "Bright Light Bodhis" (some of whom are college students or others training to be coaches, healers, facilitators, or leaders) often provide valuable service and leadership to The Bodhi Bridge, our programs, our collaborative partners, to other community organizations, and in the world at large. (Suggested Donation: = $500 - $2,000 - $2,000/sponsee for mentorship & training series.) Read More...
"Bright Lights" in Conscious Service & Leadership (CSL): Donations support Team & Facilitator Trainings, program development, and scholarships for "Bright Lights" (Young Adults CSL) and "Bright Lights" (Women's CSL) workshops, trainings, and retreats. The "Bright Lights" program focuses on inspiring and empowering people (especially women and young adults) to serve, lead, and give more consciously & creatively and to steer clear of dynamics that contribute to "Mis-Giving", struggle, drama and other forms of disharmony that sometimes arise in service & leadership. (Suggested donation: Any amount. Program Cost = $500/person per training or $1,500 - $2,000 per facilitator, woman, or young adult for training series.) Read more...
Leadership Retreats/Trainings (Sponsorships): Donations provide partial or full sponsorships for individuals and groups to join us on conscious service & leadership retreats & trainings. These specialized retreats and trainings support the conscious leadership development and much needed renewal for leaders and/or staff of non- profits, service organizations, spiritual organizations. Help us reach and serve the One's who reach and serve the Many! Suggested Donation: Any amount. Program Costs = $300 - $600/person for 1/2 Intensive Retreat or $800 - $1,000/person for 2-3 Full Days of Training & Retreat.) Read More...
"Medicine Wheel" - 4 Part Series (Sponsorships): Donations support partial and full sponsorships for program participants. Designed as personal healing and empowerment journey, The Medicine Wheel is both life-affirming and deeply transformational. The origin of these teachings, tools, and practices come from the shamanic traditions of the Q’ero of Southern Peru, with additional teachings rooted in other forms of indigenous wisdom, mindfulness, neuroscience, quantum physics, and energy medicine practices. (Suggested Donation: Any amount. Program Cost = $400/person per class or $1,600/person for full 4 Part Series.) Read more...
"Dream Builder" ~ 12 Week On-Line Program (Sponsorships): Donations support partial and full sponsorships for program participants. This 12 week inspirational journey supports participants in defining, designing, testing, and living into their dream. Participants plant the seed of their dream, and then prepare, cultivate, and weed the soil of consciousness to give that seed the very best chance of growing into the life they have imagined. (Suggested Donation: Any amount. Program Cost = $500 matching funds per participant.) Read More...
"Creative Art Spa" Classes (Sponsorships): Donations support individual and group sponsorships to attend a series of monthly classes in St. George, UT. Becoming Conscious Creators of the lives we wish to live and the kind of world we wish to co-create means tapping into our creative essence. Creative Art Spa provides a way to utilize the creative process for participants to express themselves and gain insight and awareness. (Suggested Donation: Any amount. Classes Cost = $25/person per class, $125 for series of 5 classes, or$200 for 4 Classes for 2 people.) Read More...
Integrative Sessions (Sponsorships for Individuals or Groups): Donations provide partial or full sponsorships for clients to receive valuable individual or group sessions. The Bodhi Bridge provides valuable fee-based services for navigating change and transition, healing, learning, and leading an awakened and empowered life. Our integrative approach includes a series of holistic Services like: Transformational Coaching, Integrative Healing, Conscious Leadership Consulting, Small Business Development, and more. (Suggested Donation: Any amount. Program Costs = Matching funds of $50 - $80/person per session, $300 - $400 for 6 sessions, $600 - $800 for 12 weeks of sessions.) Read More...
"Why Consciousness Matters" (Video Projects): Donations go toward filming, editing, and producing educational and promotional videos that share "Why Consciousness Matters" and how it makes a difference in one's life, the lives' of others, and on this planet. Interns, mentees, and other program participants assist us in developing these video clips as part of their service & contribution. (Suggested Donation: Any amount. Production Costs = $500 per video.) Read More...
It doesn't take much. Sometimes a little goes a very long way. Besides, it's Fun!
Go to our Wish List to see additional items that can help equip us to create Awesomeness.
Additional information
Amount to Donate $ | $500,000, $250,000, $100,000, $50,000, $20,000, $15,000, $10,000, $5,000, $2,500, $1,500, $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50, $35, $25 |
On "Giving Tuesday" ~ Tuesday, November 26, 2019 ~ FaceBook will Match your Donations!
"Like" us on FaceBook and go to our "Donation" page to make your contribution count twice! )
We wanted to be sure to create meaningful ways to give that our community members on all end of the economic spectrum can participate. Below, you'll see a list describing the kinds of things your contribution can help fund. We're not limited to that list and neither are you! So feel free to get creative and let us know what you'd love to support .
Check out how your donations will be used to create Awesomeness!
All Levels of contribution make a difference!
Level 1: Sessions
Giving at this Level helps us to employ our Mentees and contribute to their Mentorship Fund while serving and up-leveling community:
- Receive a Bodhi Bridge T-Shirt $35
- Give or Get an energy work session with Mentees $50 - $100
- Give or Get a Coaching Session $100 ~ $200
- Give or Get 1 Coaching Session + 1 Level 2 Energy Work Session $200 - $300
- Give or Get a Package of 3 Coaching Sessions + 2 Level 2 Energy Work Sessions $500 - $700
- Other items include Website updates & tech support, software, HP Printer and Ink, Ergonomic standing desks, Post It poster paper, Post It Notes of all kinds of colors and sizes, tall white pillar candles, teas
Level 2: Mentee Scholarship/Sponsorships
Giving at this Level supports our Mentorship programs and moves the consciousness work and creation of right livelihood forward:
- Sponsor 1 person for 1 Class (Direction) of the Conscious Service & Leadership Medicine Wheel (there are 4 Class/Directions to this program) $600
- Provide a Mentorship for 1 Level of Integrative Healing Practitioner Trainer $1,000
- Provide a Scholarship for the 12 week "Dream-Builder" Program $1,200
- Provide a training on Conscious Service & Leadership to community organizations $1,000 - $2,000
- Provide a Leadership Retreat (and much needed rest and renewal) for an amazing non-profit or service organization leader $1,500 - $2,000
- Other items include: (2) Mac Laptops (ours are 2011 models. Yikes!, (1) iPad,
Level 3: Program Sponsorships & Host Your Own Retreats
(Receive recognition as a program sponsor at our events)
Giving at this Level helps us to partially or fully fund Mentees through full programs. This has the potential to create a fulfilling and life-affirming kind of livelihood for "Bright Lights".
- Sponsor 1 person for 4 Classes/Directions of the Conscious Service & Leadership Medicine Wheel $2,400
- Provide IHP or Coaching Mentee Scholarship for 1 year (1/2 of program) $5,000
- Provide IHP or Coaching Mentee Scholarship for 2years (full program) $10,000
- Help us with Operating Costs $15,000
* Get 50% Off of a 4 Day Retreat that you fill and host for up to 13 people (room & food included) $15,000 (Paid In Advance)
Level 4: Staffing and Initial Operating Costs for Retreat & Training Center
People make what we do Possible. Awesome People create Miracles. We are in the Miracle Business.
Our fee-based services only cover so much of our staffing costs. And these positions are Essential for moving the work forward.
(Receive recognition at our events, on FaceBook and event promotions, and on our Community Wall)
- Help us bridge costs for Staffing (our fee-based services only cover so much) $20,000
- Helps us hire Administrative & Project Management Support $25,000 - $35,000
- Help us hire Communications, Marketing, Event Coordination Support $50,000
- Hire Diana for Leadership, Organizational Development, and Program Development for The Bodhi Bridge $75,000
Level 5: The Bodhi Retreat & Training Center Fund
Help us purchase our base-of-operations (aka Bodhi Retreat & Training Center) and assist with initial start-up and operating costs
- Get your or your organization's name on a room and host a 3 - 4 day retreat in the space. We’ll surprise you with other cool stuff!
- $100,000
- Get your or your organization's name on a room and host a 5 - 7 day retreat. We’ll help staff your retreat and co-facilitate with you. And we'll surprise you with other cool stuff!
- $150,000
- Get your or your organization's name on the Main Training Room and host (2) 5 - 7 day retreats. We’ll be giddy happy to create awesomeness with you!
- $ 200,000
Other Levels of Giving: Surprise Us!
We love to discover what's really True & Possible when we take the upper limits off!
Through December 31, 2018 FaceBook will Match your Donations!
"Like" us on FaceBook and go to our "Donation" page to make your contribution count twice! )
We wanted to be sure to create meaningful ways to give that our community members on all end of the economic spectrum can participate. Below, you'll see a list describing the kinds of things your contribution can help fund. We're not limited to that list and neither are you! So feel free to get creative and let us know what you'd love to support .
Check out how your donations will be used to create Awesomeness!
All Levels of contribution make a difference!
Level 1: Sessions
Giving at this Level helps us to employ our Mentees and contribute to their Mentorship Fund while serving and up-leveling community:
- $35 Receive a Bodhi Bridge T-Shirt
- $50 - $100 Give or Get an energy work session with Mentees
- $100 ~ $200 Give or Get a Coaching Session
- $200 - $300 Give or Get 1 Coaching Session + 1 Level 2 Energy Work Session
- $500 - $700 Give or Get a Package of 3 Coaching Sessions + 2 Level 2 Energy Work Sessions
- Other items include Website updates & tech support, software, HP Printer and Ink, Ergonomic standing desks, Post It poster paper, Post It Notes of all kinds of colors and sizes, tall white pillar candles, teas
Level 2: Mentee Scholarship/Sponsorships
Giving at this Level supports our Mentorship programs and moves the consciousness work and creation of right livelihood forward:
- $600 Sponsors 1 person for 1 Class (Direction) of the Conscious Service & Leadership Medicine Wheel (there are 4 Class/Directions to this program)
- $1,000 Provides Mentorship for 1 Level of Integrative Healing Practitioner Trainer
- $1,200 Provides a Scholarship for the 12 week "Dream-Builder" Program
- $1,000 - $2,000 Provides a training on Conscious Service & Leadership to community organizations
- $1,500 - $2,000 Provides a Leadership Retreat (and much needed rest and renewal) for an amazing non-profit or service organization leader
- Other items include: (2) Mac Laptops (ours are 2011 models. Yikes!, (1) iPad,
Level 3: Program Sponsorships (Receive recognition as a program sponsor at our events)
Giving at this Level helps us to partially or fully fund Mentees through full programs. This has the potential to create a fulfilling and life-affirming kind of livelihood for "Bright Lights".
- $2,400 Sponsors 1 person for 4 Classes/Directions of the Conscious Service & Leadership Medicine Wheel
- $5,000 Provides IHP or Coaching Mentee Scholarship for 1 year (1/2 of program)
- $10,000 Provides IHP or Coaching Mentee Scholarship for 2years (full program)
- $15,000 Helps us with operating Costs
Level 4: Staffing & Initial Operating Costs for Retreat& Training Center
People make what we do Possible. Awesome People create Miracles. We are in the Miracle Business.
Our fee-based services only cover so much of our staffing costs. And these positions are Essential for moving the work forward.
(Receive recognition at our events, on FaceBook and event promotions, and on our Community Wall)
- $20,000 Helps us bridge costs for Staffing (our fee-based services only cover so much)
- $25,000 - $35,000 Helps us hire Administrative & Project Management Support
- $50,000 Helps us hireCommunications, Marketing, Event Coordination Support
- $75,000 Hires Diana for Leadership, Organizational Development, and Program Development for The Bodhi Bridge
Level 5: The Bodhi Retreat & Training Center Fund
Help us purchase our base-of-operations (aka Bodhi Retreat & Training Center) and assist with initial start-up and operating costs
- $100,000 Level: Sponsor a Room in our Leadership Retreat & Training Institute (and host a 5 - 7 day retreat in the space. We’ll surprise you with other cool stuff!)
- $150,000 Level: Sponsor A Room in our Leadership Retreat & Training Institute (host a 5 - 7 day retreat. We’ll help staff your retreat and co-facilitate with you. And we'll surprise you with other cool stuff!)
- $200,000 Level: Sponsor the Main Training Room in our Leadership Retreat & Training Institute (Host (2) 5 - 7 day retreats. We’ll be giddy happy to create awesomeness with you!)
Other Levels of Giving: Surprise Us!
We love to discover what's really True & Possible when we take the upper limits off!
You can Designate what you would most love to support.
Below is a brief description of our Programs, Giving Opportunities and Wish List.
Check out how your donations will be used to create Awesomeness!
Where it’s needed most: Donation will be unrestricted and directed where they're needed most. Unrestricted donations increase our capacity and our ability to respond to time-sensitive priorities, opportunities and needs. (Suggested donation: Any amount helps.)
General Operating Fund: Donations support space rental fees for classes/workshops/retreats, facilitator fees, program development, outreach, permits, etc. (Suggested donation: Any amount helps.)
Sponsor our Training Institute: Donations support the purchase and operation of our home-base ~ a space in which we can offer workshops, trainings, classes, and leadership retreats. Located in breath-taking Zion National Park area, our Leadership Retreat, Training Institute, and Healing Arts Center provides an inspiring and private space in which to host leadership retreats and valuable training opportunities... both indoor and outside in the awe-inspiring, healing, and uplifting red rock canyons of Zion. (Suggested Donation: Any amount makes a difference. $100K and above = Sponsor a Room in the Center with your or your organization's name on it. $10K - $20K helps us to operate the Center and pay for staff as we get up and running in our first year.) Read More...
Mentee Sponsorships: Donations help us provide training, mentorship, education, and support for the work of talented leaders, interns & mentees. Our "Bright Light Bodhis" (some of whom are college students or others training to be coaches, healers, facilitators, or leaders) often provide valuable service and leadership to The Bodhi Bridge, our programs, our collaborative partners, to other community organizations, and in the world at large. (Suggested Donation: = $500 - $2,000 - $2,000/sponsee for mentorship & training series.) Read More..
Conscious Service & Leadership (CSL) Trainings: Donations support Team & Facilitator Trainings, program development, and scholarships for "Bright Lights" (Young Adults CSL) and "Bright Lights" (Women's CSL) workshops, trainings, and retreats. The Conscious Service & Leadership program focuses on inspiring and empowering people (especially women and young adults) to serve, lead, and give more consciously & creatively and to steer clear of dynamics that contribute to "Mis-Giving", struggle, drama and other forms of disharmony that sometimes arise in service & leadership. (Suggested donation: Any amount. Program Cost = $500/person per training or $1,500 - $2,000 per facilitator, woman, or young adult for training series.) Read more...
Leadership Retreats (Sponsorships): Donations provide partial or full sponsorships for individuals and groups to join us on conscious service & leadership retreats. These specialized retreats and staff trainings support the conscious leadership development and much needed renewal for leaders and/or staff of non- profits, service organizations, spiritual organizations. Help us reach and serve the One's who reach and serve the Many! Suggested Donation: Any amount. Program Costs = $300 - $600/person for 1/2 Intensive Retreat or $800 - $1,000/person for 2-3 Full Days of Training & Retreat.) Read More...
Conscious Service & Leadership (CSL) "Medicine Wheel" - 4 Part Series (Sponsorships): Donations support partial and full sponsorships for program participants. Designed as personal healing and empowerment journey, The Medicine Wheel is both life-affirming and deeply transformational. The origin of these teachings, tools, and practices come from the shamanic traditions of the Q’ero of Southern Peru, with additional teachings rooted in other forms of indigenous wisdom, mindfulness, neuroscience, quantum physics, and energy medicine practices. (Suggested Donation: Any amount. Program Cost = $400/person per class or $1,600/person for full 4 Part Series.) Read more...
Integrative Healing Practitioner (IHP) Mentorship Program (Sponsorships): Donations support partial and full sponsorships for our Mentees who are accepted into the program. This 2 year long certification program trains select Mentees who have demonstrated a gift and potential as integrative healers and energy medicine practitioners. The program consists of 5 Parts: Part 1: Conscious Service & Leadership Medicine Wheel (to learn and embody the consciousness-based teachings, tools, and practices); Part 2: Integrative Healing Practitioner Training Intensives; Part 3: Practicum in hands-on healing sessions; Part 4: Mentorship Meetings & Supervised Sessions; Part 5: Service-Learning to deepen the application of their skills in various sessions, including the CSL Medicine Wheel and providing value in the community by serving at partner organizations. (Suggested Donation: $333 per month or $1,000 per Level. All 5 Training Levels Cost: $5,000. Plus 2 rounds of Medicine Wheel & Advanced Classes Cost: $5,0000.) Read More...
"Dream Builder" ~ 12 Week On-Line Program (Sponsorships): This 12 week inspirational journey supports participants in defining, designing, testing, and living into their dream. Participants plant the seed of their dream, and then prepare, cultivate, and weed the soil of consciousness to give that seed the very best chance of growing into the life they have imagined. (Suggested Donation: Any amount. Program Cost = $500 matching funds per participant.) Read More...
Sessions with Our Mentees or Mentors ( for Individuals or Groups): Donations provide partial or full sponsorships for clients to receive valuable individual or group sessions. The Bodhi Bridge provides valuable fee-based services for navigating change and transition, healing, learning, and leading an awakened and empowered life. Our integrative approach includes a series of holistic Services like: Transformational Coaching, Integrative Healing, Conscious Leadership Consulting, Small Business Development, and more. (Suggested Donation: Any amount. Program Costs = Matching funds of $50 - $80/person per session, $300 - $400 for 6 sessions, $600 - $800 for 12 weeks of sessions.) Read More...
"Why Consciousness Matters" (Video Projects): Donations go toward filming, editing, and producing educational and promotional videos that share "Why Consciousness Matters" and how it makes a difference in one's life, the lives' of others, and on this planet. Interns, mentees, and other program participants assist us in developing these video clips as part of their service & contribution. (Suggested Donation: Any amount. Production Costs = $500 per video.) Read More...
It doesn't take much. Sometimes a little goes a very long way. Besides, it's Fun!
Go to our Wish List to see additional items that can help equip us to create Awesomeness.